Showing 13–24 of 29 results

Integra Protect canned food for cats Kidney-calf 100gr

Formulated for dogs with chronic renal failure. This diet food is adapted to the special nutritional requirements of dogs with

Integra Protect canned food for cats Kidney-turkey 100gr

INTEGRA PROTECT Renal is adapted to the nutritional requirements of cats with chronic renal failure. This diet food contains significantly

Integra Protect canned food for cats Oxalstein-beef 100gr

Protection against the formation of struvite and calcium oxalate stones. The special dietary food for the fight against struvite stones

Integra Protect canned food for cats Oxalstein-duck 100gr

Calcium oxalate stone remedy for cats. INTEGRA PROTECT with duck helps regulate the pH value of the cat’s urine with

Integra Protect canned food for cats Struvitstein-chicken 100gr

INTEGRA PROTECT Urinary with Chicken is designed to prevent recurrence of struvite stones in cats. The special dietary food for

Integra Protect canned food for cats Struvitstein-veal 100gr

INTEGRA PROTECT Urinary with Calf is designed to prevent the recurrence of struvite stones in cats. The special dietary food

Integra Protect canned food for dogs Intestinal Chicken 400gr

INTEGRA PROTECT Intestinal Pure Chicken combines easily digestible animal proteins with well-tolerated rice. Therefore, this dietary food supports the regeneration

Integra Protect canned food for dogs Nieren Renal chicken 400gr

INTEGRA PROTECT Renal has been developed by veterinarians for dogs with chronic renal failure. Šī diētiskā barība satur mazāk olbaltumvielu

Integra Protect canned food for dogs Renal Pork 150gr

Dogs with chronic kidney failure require food that is specifically tailored to their specific nutritional needs. INTEGRA PROTECT Renal with

INTEGRA PROTECT konservi kaķiem – ar trusi 6 x 0.100gr Multipaka

Pilnvērtīga diētiskā barība kaķiem ar cukura diabētu. INTEGRA PROTECT Diabetes satur daudz olbaltumvielu un maz ogļhidrātu, tāpēc tā ir ideāli

INTEGRA PROTECT konservi kaķiem – ar vistu 6 x 0.100gr Multipaka

Pilnvērtīga diētiskā barība kaķiem ar cukura diabētu. INTEGRA PROTECT Diabetes ir īpaši izstrādāts kaķiem ar cukura diabētu. Barība satur olbaltumvielām

Integra Sensitive canned food for dogs Chicken, parsnip 150 gr

This diet food, specially adapted for dogs with food allergies, contains only one animal and one vegetable protein. This Sensitive