Showing 49–60 of 252 results

Aqua El Pump UNIPUMP 700

UNI PUMP is a modern, energy-saving pump with excellent performance parameters. The pump is designed to feed tank filters (such

Aqua El Rotors for Turbo Filter

The internal aquarium filter is designed for comprehensive water care. Provides two-stage mechanical and biological filtration, as well as aeration.

Aqua El Set Optiset (various sizes)

Available in black and white. OPTI SET consists of a tank with an LED cover. The set fits perfectly into

Aqua El Shrimp Set Smart D&N

Provides ideal conditions for plants, shrimp and small fish. Leddy Smart Day & Night 4.8 W lighting. 3 lighting modes:

Aqua El Sterilizer Mini UV

The Aquael Mini UV Clarifier can be used in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. The Aquael Mini UV is ONLY

Aqua El Unifilter

UNI FILTER UV is equipped with ultraviolet light emitting diodes. They help to maintain crystal clear water and provide optimal

Daphnia for fish 5gr

Daphnia, also called water fleas, are small freshwater crustaceans that are highly prized by aquarium fish.